Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Merry Christmas

We finished our Christmas shopping just in time to leave a day early to beat the storm that was headed to Kearney. Al managed to hit the outdoor mall with us one day and he carried Jada in her front carrier the whole time. Sooo cute!

The drive to Kearney was cramped but Jada did surprisingly well only waking up to eat in North Platte, I was worried about how our first night at Grandpa and Grandmas would go but she slept the whole night.

We had a wonderful Christmas! Jada got to meet her Great Great Grandma Stella, Grandpa Bob and lots of other family members. Unfortunately due to the bad weather she was unable to meet her family members from Blair :( hopefully we can all get together soon though.

Aunt Tiffy flew in late and we had a late Christmas with her where she wore these silly pink jammies! If Jada is scared of bunnies we will know why! Ha Ha! It was so nice to get to see everyone.

Not only did Grandma O. get to give Jada her a good night bottle she even got to have Jada spend the night for the first time! Grandpa, Grandma, Sarah, Anne, Jada, Dublin and Cassie (my parents dog) all shared a room that night (should have got a pic of that). It was hard for me to leave but it was nice to have a night on the town and see most of my friends.

Well 2009 was a fabulous year! Al, myself, Jada, Angel, Dubs and Tina (our frog) all hope to be Kearney soon!